Eggy > Songs > Queen's Gambit > Performances

Queen's Gambit has been performed by Eggy in 21 shows. It was last played 2024-02-16, which was 25 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2019-05-14 Infinity Music Hall and Bistro, Norfolk, CT224
2019-05-30 Pacific Standard Tavern, New Haven, CT1
2019-06-21 The Warehouse @ Fairfield Theater Company, Fairfield, CT3
2019-11-08 The Jewel, Manchester, NH33
2019-11-09 The Broken String, Watertown, NY1
2019-11-30 Garcia's, Port Chester, NY2
2020-01-11 Bank of New Hampshire Stage, Concord, NH9Unfinished
2020-02-08 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY9
2020-05-16 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT5
2020-10-17 LeGetaway, Kent, CT5Michael Raphael (Bruce Hornsby Tease)
2021-05-07 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA7
2021-11-06 Park West, Chicago, IL33
2022-03-05 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC19
2022-10-01 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA34
2022-10-16 Buffalo Iron Works, Buffalo, NY8
2023-05-19 Deep Dive, Ithaca, NY60
2023-06-10 Portland House of Music, Portland, ME8
2023-06-22 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA3
2023-07-08 Rock The Dock, Lake George, NY8
2023-08-17 Lincoln Theatre, Raleigh, NC7
2024-02-16 The Burl, Lexington, KY53

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