Eggy > Songs > City Lights > Performances

City Lights has been performed by Eggy in 28 shows. It was last played 2023-10-20, which was 51 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2015-04-11 The Acoustic, Bridgeport, CT61
2015-06-20 Pacific Standard Tavern, New Haven, CT6
2015-09-01 Pacific Standard Tavern, New Haven, CT6
2015-09-26 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT3
2015-10-13 Nectar's, Burlington, VT3
2015-12-11 Pacific Standard Tavern, New Haven, CT7
2015-12-26 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT1
2016-02-04 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT2
2016-05-19 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT14
2017-02-25 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT32
2017-09-02 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT19
2018-01-20 The Acoustic, Bridgeport, CT9
2018-08-30 Nectar's, Burlington, VT23
2020-04-17 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT99
2021-10-28 Buffalo Iron Works, Buffalo, NY40
2022-01-15 The Warehouse @ Fairfield Theater Company, Fairfield, CT12
2023-03-02 The Crocodile, Seattle, WA87
2023-03-04 The Olympic Venue, Boise, ID2
2023-03-08 Commonwealth Room, Salt Lake City, UT2
2023-03-15 The Back Room @ Colectivo, Milwaukee, WI3
2023-03-25 The Capitol Theatre, Port Chester, NY4
2023-04-07 Old Towne Pub, Pasadena, CA1
2023-04-08 Winstons Beach Club, San Diego, CA1
2023-04-21 The Bourbon Room, Los Angeles, CA1
2023-04-28 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY2
2023-05-03 Faubourg Brewery, New Orleans, LA3
2023-05-11 529 Bar, Atlanta, GA6
2023-10-20 Martyrs', Chicago, IL55

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