Eggy > Songs > Atomic Age > Performances

Atomic Age has been performed by Eggy in 8 shows. It was last played 2024-05-04, which was the most recent show.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2024-03-15 Nectar's, Burlington, VT542Debut
2024-03-21 Atlantis, Washington, DC2
2024-03-22 Ardmore Music Hall, Ardmore, PA1
2024-03-23 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY1
2024-04-06 Mental Awakening, Atlanta, GA2
2024-04-12 The Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO2
2024-04-19 Brooklyn Bowl, Las Vegas, NV4
2024-05-04 The Warehouse @ Fairfield Theater Company, Fairfield, CT1With “You” teases and quotes

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