Eggy > Songs > Solid Ground > Performances

Solid Ground has been performed by Eggy in 27 shows. It was last played 2023-12-10, which was 36 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2020-01-10 Bolton Valley Resort, Bolton, VT272Debut
2020-01-11 Bank of New Hampshire Stage, Concord, NH1
2020-01-22 Vinyl Music Hall, Pensacola, FL2
2020-02-14 Pearl Street Pub, Albany, NY8Ragged Wood (Fleet Foxes) tease
2020-03-28 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT1
2020-06-13 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT5
2020-10-17 LeGetaway, Kent, CT3
2021-02-11 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT1
2021-05-07 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA6
2021-05-15 Putnam Place, Saratoga Springs, NY3
2021-06-26 Westville Music Bowl, New Haven, CT1
2021-10-26 Jefferson Theater, Charlottesville, VA20
2022-02-25 Town Ballroom, Buffalo, NY26
2022-03-31 10 Mile Music Hall, Frisco, CO7
2023-01-28 10 Mile Music Hall, Frisco, CO59
2023-02-19 191 Toole, Tuscon, AZ3
2023-02-22 The Fremont Theatre, San Luis Obispo, USA1
2023-02-24 The Roxy, West Hollywood, CA2
2023-03-05 The Elm, Bozeman, MT6
2023-09-23 Cascade Equinox Festival, Redmond, OR67
2023-09-24 Flipside Fest, Boise, ID1
2023-09-29 Aggie Theater, Fort Collins, CO4
2023-10-06 Wonderland Forest, Lafayette, NY2
2023-10-21 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN4
2023-11-16 Brighton Music Hall, Boston, MA2
2023-11-29 The Senate, Columbia, SC4
2023-12-10 Beer City Music Hall, Oklahoma City, OK10

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