Eggy > Songs > Between You and Me > Performances

Between You and Me has been performed by Eggy in 35 shows. It was last played 2024-04-17, which was 3 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2019-10-13 Arch Street Tavern, Hartford, CT252
2019-11-01 Nectar's, Burlington, VT7
2019-12-28 StageOne at FTC, Fairfield, CT11
2020-01-23 The Orpheum, Tampa, FL6
2020-06-24 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT14
2020-10-17 LeGetaway, Kent, CT2
2021-02-20 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT2
2021-05-15 Putnam Place, Saratoga Springs, NY8
2021-07-15 Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts, Westport, CT3
2021-11-03 Wooly's, Des Moines, IA24
2022-03-17 Mercury Lounge, New York, NY24Alternate version, FTP, Alex on lead vocals
2022-03-31 10 Mile Music Hall, Frisco, CO3ALternate Version
2022-04-14 The Warehouse @ Fairfield Theater Company, Fairfield, CT7ALternate version
2022-06-12 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC9ALternate version
2022-09-30 The Sultan Room, Brooklyn, NY12
2022-10-08 Asheville Music Hall, Asheville, NC5
2022-10-16 Buffalo Iron Works, Buffalo, NY4
2022-11-10 The Southern, Charlottesville, VA6
2023-03-03 Domino Room, Bend, OR26
2023-05-07 The Basement, Nashville, TN22
2023-06-08 Buffalo Iron Works, Buffalo, NY12
2023-06-22 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA5
2023-06-25 Spring Hill Arts Gathering, New Preston, CT3
2023-08-13 Burley Oak Brewing Company, Berlin, MD10
2023-08-20 Catbird Music Festival, Bethel, NY4
2023-09-01 Adirondack Independence Music Festival, Lake George, NY3
2023-09-30 Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom, Denver, CO16
2023-10-21 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN5Original Version, LTP 11/3/21
2023-11-17 Putnam Place, Saratoga Springs, NY3
2023-12-03 Miami Beach Bandshell, Miami Beach, FL7
2023-12-09 Deep Ellum Art Co., Dallas, TX5
2024-02-15 The Blind Pig, Ann Arbor, MI11
2024-02-23 The Foundry, Athens, GA6
2024-04-05 Hogs For The Cause, New Orleans, LA10
2024-04-17 The Orpheum, Flagstaff, AZ6

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