Eggy > Songs > Laurel > Performances

Laurel has been performed by Eggy in 14 shows. It was last played 2024-05-18, which was the most recent show.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2023-06-10 Portland House of Music, Portland, ME461Debut
2023-06-22 Soundcheck Studios, Pembroke, MA3
2023-06-24 Ocean Mist, South Kingstown, RI2
2023-06-25 Spring Hill Arts Gathering, New Preston, CT1
2023-09-14 The Troubadour, Los Angeles, CA20
2023-09-19 Goldfield Trading Post, Sacramento, USA4
2023-09-24 Flipside Fest, Boise, ID4
2024-02-14 The Summit Music Hall, Columbus, OH35
2024-02-22 Proud Larry's, Oxford, MS6
2024-03-16 Portland House of Music, Portland, ME7
2024-03-23 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY3With The Funky Dawgz Horns
2024-04-13 10 Mile Music Hall, Frisco, CO5
2024-05-09 Buffalo Iron Works, Buffalo, NY6
2024-05-18 Dominion Energy RiverRock, Richmond, VA2

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