Eggy > Songs > Mr. Domino Reprise > Performances

Mr. Domino Reprise has been played by Eggy 12 time(s).
It was played at 2.14% of Eggy shows.
It was last played 2024-02-14, which was 29 show(s) ago.
There have been 290 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "Mr. Domino Reprise" has been played, on average, once every 1 show(s).

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2019-12-14 Orlando's Bar and Lounge, Burlington, VT269
2019-12-28 StageOne at FTC, Fairfield, CT1
2020-01-11 Bank of New Hampshire Stage, Concord, NH3
2021-02-11 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT20
2021-02-20 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT1
2021-05-15 Putnam Place, Saratoga Springs, NY8
2021-10-29 Madison Live, Covington, KY24
2022-03-05 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC25
2022-04-08 Ardmore Music Hall, Ardmore, PA8
2022-10-30 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC36
2022-12-11 Beachland Tavern, Cleveland, OH14
2024-02-14 The Summit Music Hall, Columbus, OH121With 12 Pounds of Pain teases, LTP 12/11/22
2019-12-14 Orlando's Bar and Lounge, Burlington, VT0
2019-12-28 StageOne at FTC, Fairfield, CT1
2020-01-11 Bank of New Hampshire Stage, Concord, NH3
2021-02-11 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT20
2021-02-20 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT1
2021-05-15 Putnam Place, Saratoga Springs, NY8
2021-10-29 Madison Live, Covington, KY24
2022-03-05 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC25
2022-04-08 Ardmore Music Hall, Ardmore, PA8
2022-10-30 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC36
2022-12-11 Beachland Tavern, Cleveland, OH14
2024-02-14 The Summit Music Hall, Columbus, OH121With 12 Pounds of Pain teases, LTP 12/11/22

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