Eggy > Songs > Evergreen > Performances

Evergreen has been performed by Eggy in 25 shows. It was last played 2024-04-14, which was 7 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2021-09-03 Adirondack Independence Music Festival, Lake George, NY307Debut
2021-09-30 The Met, Pawtucket, RI4
2022-01-21 Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland, OH28
2022-03-05 Charleston Pour House, Charleston, SC12
2022-03-26 Kenny's Westside Pub, Peoria, IL4
2022-04-10 Race Street Live, Holyoke, MA6
2022-06-09 The Southern, Charlottesville, VA8
2022-10-13 The Met, Pawtucket, RI21
2022-11-04 The 8x10, Baltimore, MD7
2023-02-18 The Marque Theatre, Tempe, AZ20
2023-03-16 Bell’s Eccentric Cafe, Kalamazoo, MI15Unfinished
2023-04-27 Pearl Street Warehouse, Washington, D.C.7
2023-05-12 Growlers, Memphis, TN11
2023-05-19 Deep Dive, Ithaca, NY3
2023-06-07 The Homestead, Morristown, NJ5
2023-08-17 Lincoln Theatre, Raleigh, NC21
2023-10-19 Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland, OH24With Hatikvah teases
2023-11-17 Putnam Place, Saratoga Springs, NY5With Hatikva (Traditional) teases
2023-12-01 Victory North, Savannah, GA5
2023-12-14 Aisle 5, Atlanta, GA11
2024-01-06 Tree House Brewing Company, Charlton, MA5
2024-02-17 Madison Live, Covington, KY4
2024-03-14 Nectar's, Burlington, VT8With Maybe I’m Amazed (Paul McCartney)
2024-03-22 Ardmore Music Hall, Ardmore, PA4
2024-04-14 Old Town Pub, Steamboat Springs, CO7

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