Eggy > Songs > Cicada Sings > Performances

Cicada Sings has been performed by Eggy in 19 shows. It was last played 2024-04-14, which was 7 shows ago.

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2014-04-10 The Palace Theater, Stafford Springs, CT30
2017-12-30 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT132
2018-01-20 The Acoustic, Bridgeport, CT1
2019-01-12 Pacific Standard Tavern, New Haven, CT46
2019-01-18 BRYAC, Bridgeport, CT1
2019-10-03 The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH39
2019-10-25 Melody's, Beckley, WV7
2020-04-17 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT29
2020-06-13 The Egg Crate, Livestream, CT4
2021-09-03 Adirondack Independence Music Festival, Lake George, NY18
2021-10-29 Madison Live, Covington, KY19
2021-10-30 The Stache, Grand Rapids, MI1
2022-02-05 Higher Ground, South Burlington, VT20
2022-04-15 Brooklyn Bowl, Brooklyn, NY17
2022-08-06 Bourre, Atlantic City, NJ18
2023-01-22 Pickle Barrel Night Club, Killington, VT31
2023-08-13 Burley Oak Brewing Company, Berlin, MD64
2023-11-30 The Capitol Theatre, Macon, CA35
2024-04-14 Old Town Pub, Steamboat Springs, CO40

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